The Big Short
The movie entitled The Big Short has recently been made one of the "Best Picture nominees" is a truly educational, inspirational, and immersive story. The acting is phenomenal, and throughout the entire movie, you feel like you are right there with the characters. This is also because of the way that the camera angles are established, and how they pan and tilt with the slightest bit of shake through the movie, making it less of a typical "lights, camera, action" type of movie. In addition to its nomination for "Best Picture Award", The Big Short won an 88% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, an 81% rating on Metacritic, and a 7.8/10 on IMDb.
The Big Short focuses on the housing market (And overall economy) crash in the year 2008, and how a select few individuals were able to predict its occurrence years in advance. It guides the viewer along the multiple story lines of these people, and how they were able to "Short" the housing market. This was a bold and criticized move by them at the time, because the housing market was considered to be stable through a system of corruption, malfeasance, and fraudulence. The movie exposes and explains different aspects and secrets of the stock market, housing market, and general economy.
This movie also acts as a warning of history repeating itself, because it explains subtle hints of the same events leading up to the 2008 crash beginning to occur yet again in the coming years. I can not recommend this movie enough to anyone, and while it can almost be considered a documentary, the humor and immersion that the actors and the script provides keeps the viewer interested. The only possible downfall of this movie is the fact that it is rated R (Restricted) for "Pervasive language and some Sexuality/nudity".
The trailer for this movie can be found below (Email viewers, please click the provided link)
Thanks for reading! And hey, if you go watch it, maybe you can learn a thing or two as well.
-Jimi Wright, 15
Freshman at Joseph A. Foran High School
Member of the NPT Youth Board