Thursday, January 18, 2018

Lion King Musical has Made More for Disney than Star Wars

Lion King Musical has Made More for Disney than Star Wars

Disney’s best-selling property, in terms of entertainment property, isn’t Star Wars. It’s The Lion King,
which has grossed just under $8.1 billion in its 20-year run on Broadway as of December 2017. That
number makes it the highest-grossing entertainment property in history. Second is Phantom of The Opera,
with $6 billion. The biggest film is Avatar, at just $2.8 billion. In more Disney-centric terms: The Lion
King has made more money than the new Star Wars films combined. And it is very close to every single
Star Wars film combined. The total gross for the Star Wars franchise currently sits at $8.2 billion. In a few
more months, The Lion King will surpass that. In terms of merchandise, few properties in the galaxy can
compete with Star Wars. Which has generated an estimated $37 billion.

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